Have you ever experienced a combination of symptoms like chest pain and dizziness together? It’s not such an alarming condition, but it leaves you doubtful if something serious is happening. Typically, when often experiencing chest pain it will trigger the thoughts of heart-related issues, but the actual culprit behind that is acid reflux. Further, this blog sheds light on chest pain and dizziness, a possible symptom of acid reflux.
What is acid reflux?
Acid reflux is also referred to as GERD. Typically, stomach contents flow in a single direction, but with acid reflux, this acid flows backward in your esophagus and throat. When acid creeps into the places it doesn’t belong, obviously you can feel it. Tissues in your esophagus will get inflamed with acid reflux.
Occasionally, every one of us has faced acid reflux in our lives. It feels like stomach pain after eating, indigestion, or heartburn. Simply, acid reflux is an annoying condition, but not a disease. The problem comes into the frame when acid reflux persists because this condition will affect the quality of your life, further, it will damage your tissues, so immediately get an acid reflux treatment in Coimbatore.
What are the common symptoms of acid reflux?
When we think about acid reflux, the first thing that strikes our mind is heartburn. It’s one of the unpleasant burning sensations in your chest that typically occurs after your meal. The common symptoms include,
- Heartburn: The primary symptom is heartburn, which is accompanied by burning pain that moves up from your stomach to your chest.
- Regurgitation: In this condition, acid will reach your throat or mouth, and leave a bitter and sour taste.
- Sour taste in the mouth: The common symptom of acid reflux is a feeling of a sour taste after a meal, as stomach acid makes its way into your mouth.
What are the uncommon symptoms of acid reflux?
Acid reflux won’t always exhibit the common symptoms, even it can cause several symptoms that may not immediately be associated with digestive problems. The uncommon signs of acid reflux include:
- Chest pain: Unfortunately, acid reflux chest pain, mimicking the pain connected with heart attacks.
- Dizziness: The uncommon symptom of acid reflux is dizziness.
- Persistent cough: Usually you will get a chronic cough due to a cold, but in this condition, acid will disturb your throat and cause a persistent cough.
- Hoarseness: If you have the habit of frequently cleaning your throat or have a hoarse voice, acid reflux could be the culprit behind that.
Is chest pain a common sign of acid reflux?
Most of us think both chest discomfort and heart attack are similar conditions, but chest pain is a symptom of other issues like acid reflux. The pain caused by acid reflux will be similar to the pain of a heart attack, which creates some confusion in your mind about your body.
The acid reflux will irritate the lining of the esophagus, causing some level of discomfort, like mild to sharp pain. Notably, you need to understand that chest pain caused by acid reflux is a common condition, but it’s crucial to distinguish it from heart-related pain. If you are unsure about your pain, immediately fix your appointment with your doctor.
Can dizziness be a symptom of acid reflux?
Further, let’s see some reasons for dizziness, and whether it is a potential sign of acid reflux. Simply, chest pain and dizziness are the two main things that come to our mind when we think about the symptoms of acid reflux. Similar to chest pain, acid reflux can cause dizziness through different mechanisms.
Primarily, pain and discomfort caused by acid reflux can cause anxiety and panic attacks, which can lead to dizziness. Further, when acid reflux disturbs your throat and airways, you will experience breath-related difficulties, causing your body to respond with dizziness.
Why do chest pain and dizziness occur in acid reflux?
Still, you may be confused about why these two unrelated symptoms occur with acid reflux. Simply, it is all due to how your body reacts to the reaction caused by stomach pain.
Acid reflux will irritate your esophagus, which causes certain pain that is often mistaken for heart-related issues. The nearby nerves will be affected by this irritation, causing some level of pain, and leading to dizziness or even faintness. Notably, the anxiety caused due to the symptoms of acid reflux, can worsen the dizziness, creating a different cycle.
When to worry about your dizziness?
Chest pain and dizziness are the two major symptoms that should never be ignored. Either they can be caused due to acid reflux or other serious conditions such as heart attacks. Simple ways to differentiate acid reflux from heart attack include:
- Signs of heart attack: If your chest pain is accompanied by several other symptoms like shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, or pain extending to your arm or jaws, visit the best heart hospital in Coimbatore immediately, because these are the classic signals of heart attack.
- Signs of acid reflux: If the pain arises after eating, it can be relieved using medications. Also, never self-diagnose, do consult your doctor.
How to manage this condition?
Managing acid reflux is vital to preventing yourself from experiencing symptoms such as chest pain and dizziness. Further, let’s see some possible ways to manage this condition:
- Lifestyle changes: Certain foods like spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol can potentially trigger your acid reflux. So you can try eating smaller meals and also avoid lying down immediately after your meal.
- Dietary changes: Try to add more fiber-rich foods to your diet and stay hydrated.
- Medications and treatment: More than anything, proper medication, and timely treatment will greatly help in managing acid reflux.
Simply, you can effectively manage acid reflux with lifestyle changes, and medications, but it’s crucial to consult a doctor if your symptoms are chronic.
Final thoughts:
In conclusion, we can say that acid reflux is not just heartburn, but can cause severe symptoms like chest pain and dizziness. These symptoms may look serious, but understanding their connection to acid reflux can help you manage them effectively. Just remember that whenever you are experiencing chest pain or dizziness, it is recommended to consult your doctor to prevent more serious conditions.