Your kidneys are amazing. They work hard every day to keep you healthy.
But lately, you might have heard about something called a “kidney cleanse.”
People say it can make your kidneys work even better.
Is this true? Do you really need to cleanse your kidneys?
Everything About Kidney Cleanse
Facts Checked By: HealthCare Decoded
Let’s find out.
What Do Your Kidneys Do?
First, let’s talk about what your kidneys do. They are bean-shaped organs in your lower back. Each day, they:
- Filter about 150 quarts of blood
- Remove waste and extra water
- Make urine
- Help control blood pressure
- Keep your bones strong
- Make red blood cells
Your kidneys are natural cleaners. They work all the time to keep your body healthy.
What is a Kidney Cleanse?
A kidney cleanse is a special diet or treatment. People who sell these cleanses say they can:
- Remove toxins from your body
- Make your kidneys work better
- Help you lose weight
- Give you more energy
Sounds good, right? But here’s the thing: your kidneys already clean your blood. They don’t need extra help to do their job.
Types of Kidney Cleanses
There are many kinds of kidney cleanses. Some common ones are:
- Juice cleanses: You drink only fruit and vegetable juices for a few days.
- Detox teas: Special teas that claim to flush out your system.
- Herbal supplements: Pills or powders made from plants.
- Fasting: Not eating for a set time.
- Specific diets: Eating only certain foods.
What Do People Say About Kidney Cleanses?
People who try kidney cleanses often say they feel:
- More energetic
- Lighter
- Healthier
- Less bloated
Some say it helps them lose weight or sleep better. But remember, these are just what people say. It doesn’t mean the cleanses really work.
What Does Science Say?
Scientists have looked at kidney cleanses. Here’s what they found:
- There’s not much proof that kidney cleanses work.
- Some weight loss might happen, but it’s usually temporary.
- Many claimed benefits aren’t backed by solid research.
One study looked at a lemon juice and maple syrup cleanse. People did lose weight, but it was probably because they ate very few calories. It wasn’t because the cleanse “cleaned” their kidneys.
Are Kidney Cleanses Safe?
Kidney cleanses might sound harmless, but they can cause problems:
- Some cleanses can make you dehydrated.
- Unpasteurized juices might have harmful bacteria.
- Herbs in supplements can interact with medicines you take.
- Fasting or extreme diets can mess up the balance of salts in your body.
In 2019, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) warned people about some detox products. They had hidden ingredients that could be dangerous.
Who Should Avoid Kidney Cleanses?
Some people should definitely not try kidney cleanses:
- Pregnant women
- Breastfeeding moms
- Children
- Older adults
- People with kidney problems
- Anyone with a chronic illness
If you’re thinking about a kidney cleanse, talk to your doctor first. It’s important to be safe.
How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy (Without Cleanses)
You don’t need special cleanses to have healthy kidneys. Here are some simple things you can do:
- Drink water: Aim for 6-8 glasses a day.
- Eat well: Choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
- Cut back on salt: Too much salt can raise blood pressure.
- Exercise: Regular activity helps your whole body, including your kidneys.
- Don’t smoke: Smoking can damage kidney function.
- Limit alcohol: Too much alcohol can hurt your kidneys.
Foods That Support Kidney Health
Some foods are especially good for your kidneys:
- Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
- Leafy greens (spinach, kale)
- Fish high in omega-3s (salmon, tuna)
- Whole grains
- Sweet potatoes
- Garlic
- Olive oil
Myths About Kidney Cleanses
Let’s clear up some common myths:
Myth 1: Your kidneys need help to remove toxins. Truth: Healthy kidneys are experts at removing toxins on their own.
Myth 2: Drinking lots of water flushes out your kidneys. Truth: While water is good, too much can actually strain your kidneys.
Myth 3: Certain foods can cleanse your kidneys. Truth: No food can “cleanse” your kidneys, but a healthy diet supports kidney function.
Myth 4: Kidney cleanses cure kidney disease. Truth: Kidney disease needs medical treatment, not cleanses.
When to See a Doctor
Sometimes, kidney problems need a doctor’s help. See your doctor if you have:
- Pain in your back or side
- Blood in your urine
- Trouble urinating
- Swollen hands or feet
- Extreme tiredness
These could be signs of kidney problems that need real medical care, not a cleanse.
The Bottom Line
Your kidneys are amazing filters. They work hard every day to keep you healthy. While kidney cleanses might sound good, they’re not really needed. The best way to keep your kidneys healthy is to:
- Drink enough water
- Eat a balanced diet
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid smoking and too much alcohol
If you’re worried about your kidney health, talk to your doctor. They can give you the best advice for your specific needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do kidney cleanses really work?
A: There’s little scientific proof that kidney cleanses do what they claim. Your kidneys naturally clean your blood all the time.
Q: Is it safe to do a kidney cleanse?
A: Some kidney cleanses can be risky. They might dehydrate you or interact with medicines. Always talk to a doctor before trying one.
Q: Can I do a kidney cleanse while pregnant or breastfeeding?
A: No, it’s not safe. Pregnancy and breastfeeding have special nutritional needs. Cleanses could harm you or your baby.
Q: Will a kidney cleanse help me lose weight?
A: You might lose some weight on a cleanse, but it’s usually water weight. It often comes back when you return to normal eating.
Q: Can a kidney cleanse cure kidney disease?
A: No, kidney cleanses can’t cure kidney disease. If you have kidney problems, you need proper medical care.
Q: How often should I do a kidney cleanse?
A: Healthy kidneys don’t need cleansing. Instead of cleanses, focus on a healthy lifestyle for kidney health.
Q: Are detox teas good for my kidneys?
A: Detox teas aren’t proven to help kidneys. Some might even be harmful. Plain water is the best drink for kidney health.
Q: Can I take my regular medicines during a kidney cleanse?
A: Never stop your regular medicines for a cleanse. Some cleanses can interfere with medicines. Always check with your doctor.
Remember, your kidneys are natural experts at cleaning your blood.
Instead of looking for quick fixes or trendy cleanses, focus on overall health. Eat well, stay active, and drink enough water.
These simple steps are the best way to keep your kidneys – and your whole body – in top shape.
5 Resources:
- National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. Your kidneys and how they work.
- National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. “Detoxes” and “cleanses”: what you need to know.
- National Kidney Foundation. Kidney failure.
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. What’s the deal with detox diets?
- Frontiers in Nutrition. Fad diets: fact and fiction.