If you’ve noticed dark spots gradually appearing on your skin, you’re not alone. Almost everyone develops age spots at some point. They generally start to appear when people reach their 40s, and the likelihood of developing them increases beyond that point. Of course, some people start to notice them as early as their 20s and 30s. Once they show up, they generally won’t go away on their own. Instead, they tend to spread and become more prominent.
Still, you don’t have to live with age spots. Thanks to Lemon & Beaker, it’s possible to fade dark spots naturally. Before delving into a new skincare regimen, though, it’s important to understand this type of skin discoloration. Read on to gain a better understanding of age spots and how to effectively target them.
What Causes Age Spots?
Dark spots can be caused by a few factors, but the main one is excessive sun exposure. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun damages the skin over time. It causes pigmentation cells in the skin to produce more melanin than usual. That’s why we tan when we spend time outdoors. Prolonged exposure can lead to erratic melanin production, though, and it worsens over time. That leads to light patches and dark spots. Tanning beds can have the same impact. Even though they produce artificial UV radiation, it works the same way as natural sunlight.
Beyond sun exposure, aging alone can lead to dark spots. Melanin production naturally becomes more erratic with age, which leads to the gradually increasing appearance of age spots. In some cases, the reduced liver function that comes with aging or health issues can bring about dark spots as well. At the same time, people with fair skin are more prone to age spots, and some people are simply genetically predisposed to them.
Can Dark Spots Be Prevented?
In short, the answer here is no. It’s not possible to prevent age spots from developing. It’s possible to delay their development and slow their progression, though. One of the most effective measures is to protect your skin when you’re outdoors. Be diligent about using high-SPF sunscreen, and consider covering your skin while you’re outside. Avoiding tanning beds is also advised. Using sunscreen in tanning beds generally isn’t recommended, and studies show that it may not protect your skin against the UV radiation they produce anyway.

Your diet can also help to slow the development of dark spots. Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants helps to delay cellular damage and keep the skin healthy. Foods that contain vitamin E can aid in repairing the skin and reversing damage as well. Still, those measures will only delay dark spots; they won’t completely prevent them.
Treating Dark Spots
Though it’s not possible to prevent dark spots, you can treat them after they develop. You’ll find countless over-the-counter products for just that purpose. Many of them are ineffective, though, and quite a few contain harsh chemicals. Some people find that those in the latter category do little more than cause irritation on top of their pigmentation issues. Of course, many people are resorting to extreme solutions like microdermabrasion and chemical peels.
Lemon & Beaker offers an alternative. They offer safe, effective solutions for treating dark spots. Their products contain natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven to be both gentle and successful in fading age spots. They’re dedicated to helping people reverse the outward signs of aging without harsh chemicals, invasive procedures, or false hope.